Sodium Saccharin Dhydrate

Molecular formula:C7H4NNaO3S.2(H2O)

Molecular weight: 241.19

CAS number: 6155-57-3

Package:packed in 25kgs fiber drums or 25kgs bags.

Property:A colorless crystalline or slightly white crystalline powder with two crystalline waters, easily losing crystalline water to form anhydrous saccharin, odorless or slightly fragrant, with a strong sweet and bitter taste.



The sweetness of saccharin sodium is about 500 times that of sucrose. Widely used in the food industry (beverages, jelly, stir fried goods, protein sugar, etc.), feed additive industry (pig feed, sweeteners, etc.), daily chemical industry (toothpaste, cosmetics, etc.), pharmaceutical industry (sugar coating, etc.), and electroplating industry (brighteners, etc.).


Storage:Sealed and stored in cool & dry places, shelf time 3 years.

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