Phosphorous Acid

Molecular formula: H3PO3

Molecular weight: 82.00

CAS number: 13598-36-2

Property: White crystal with density 1.65g/cm³,easily deliquesces in air and soluble in water,corrosiveness.

Package: Net in 25kg/1000kg plastic woven bags



Store in a cool and ventilated warehouse. Stay away from sparks and heat sources. The packaging requires sealing and must not come into contact with air. It should be stored separately from alkaline materials and should not be stored together. The storage area should be equipped with appropriate materials to contain leaked materials. 


Main application:

It is used for plastic stabilizers and production of synthetic fiber and phosphite raw materials and pesticides glyphosate, ethylene intermediates. It can also be used to produce highly efficient water treatment agent, ATMP and Asia potassium dihydrogen phosphate.

Last one: Sodium Hydroxide
Next one: Phosphorous Acid