Potassium Hydroxide(KOH)

Molecular formula: HKO

Molecular weight: 56.11

CAS number: 1310-58-3

Property: White flakes. It’s one of the strongest alkali. Flake’s able to react quickly with moisture liberating heat.

Package: Net in 25kg plastic woven bags.



Store in a cool, dry, and well ventilated warehouse. Keep away from sparks and heat sources. The humidity inside the warehouse should not exceed 85%. The packaging must be sealed and protected from moisture. It should be stored separately from flammable (combustible) substances, acids, etc., and mixed storage should be avoided. The storage area should be equipped with suitable materials to contain leaks.


Main application:

Mainly used in alkaline batteries industry, soaps, high-class detergents and cosmetics industrial, medicine intermediate, potassium chemicals, synthetic rubber, ABS resin, food additives dye-stuffs and so on.

Last one: Citric Acid Monohydr
Next one: Sodium Hydroxide