Citric Acid Anhydrous

Molecular formula:C6H8O7

Molecular weight: 192.1

CAS number: 77-92-9

Property: colorless or white crystalline powder,deliquescent in humid air and efflorescent in dry air.

Package: 25kg, 50lb paper plastic composite bag or three-layer kraft paper bag packaging; 500kg, 1000kg polypropylene container packaging and multi specification packaging to meet customer needs.


Storage: Stored in a cool, dry, well-ventilated, and pollution-free environment and should not be stored outdoors.


Main application:

●Used as a flavoring agent, stabilizer, seasoning agent, etc. in the food and beverage industry;

●Used in the pharmaceutical industry as anticoagulants, expectorants, etc;

●It is also widely used in the detergent industry, brewing, injection, photography drugs, electroplating, etc.